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実はこのブログを書いている私は、鎌倉の長谷で小さなギャラリー『Atelier & Gallery一凛』を運営しています。海にほど近いこの場所のテーマは、「潮風とアートと文学と」です。




フォトグラファー・ MAL / 丸本 祐佐 「存在認知/STROKE」展


【Atelier & Gallery一凛】

鎌倉市長谷2丁目12-17長谷弐番館3F (江ノ電長谷駅から徒歩1分)



記事: コピー・ライティング / 稲垣 麻由美

【MAL's solo exhibition will be held in Kamakura, Japan. Saturday, June 10 - Thursday, June 15】

We three usually work separately. We live in the same place in Kanto, but we are quite far from each other. We get together only when we produce this FACE.

In fact, we know very little about each other's personal lives. Strangely enough, we feel that it is enough if we are connected to each other as individuals. Perhaps the bridge is trust.

Now, we are going to hold a photo exhibition of MAL in Kamakura in June, and it is a rare occasion for all three of us to get together there.

Actually, I, the writer of this blog, run a small gallery "Atelier & Gallery Ichirin" in Hase, Kamakura. The theme of this place near the sea is "sea breeze, art and literature.

Thanks to your support, two years have passed since its opening, and it has become a place where interesting people with various backgrounds gather. It was about half a year ago when MAL popped in and said, "I think I'd like to have a solo exhibition here. It happened on the day we had a meeting after a long time, and I remember I was very happy.

Photographer, MAL / Yusa Marumoto "STROKE" Exhibition

Saturday, June 10 - Thursday, June 15, 11:00-18:00

Atelier & Gallery Ichirin

Hase Nibankan 3F, 2-12-17 Hase, Kamakura, Japan (1 minute walk from Enoden Hase station)

*A talk show will be held on Saturday, June 10, from 16:00 to 17:00. Three members of the group will gather at this time. Please come and see MAL's new works and our faces.

 Articles: Copywriting / Mayumi Inagaki

丸本祐佐 Solo Exhibition 「存在認知 / STROKE」Atelier & Gallery 一凛 鎌倉にて

Atelier & Gallery 一凛(鎌倉・長谷)


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